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Frequently Asked Questions

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Public Education
Q: There is an online version of America's Boating Course, why does this not count in New York State?
A: New York State imposes its own restrictions on boating, this includes mandatory education for PWC operators and motorboat operators between 10 and 17 years of age. The requirements includes a proctored exam as well as face to face instruction of the New York State boating requirements.
Q: I took an online version of a boating course, what can happen?
A: In the event that you are boarded by the Coast Guard or local law enforcement you will receive a citation. In addition, if you are involved in an accident your insurance may not cover the incident.
Q: Does the America's Boating Course meet the New York State requirements for PWC operation?
A: Yes, America's Boating Course meets the educational requirements imposed by New York State for operation of a PWC. This includes the requirements for all adults, as well as children between 14 and 18 years of age.
Q: I have a friend or relative that is visiting from out of state, do they require a New York State boating class to operate a PWC?
A: Depends: If they have a valid National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) approved boating certificate or wallet card issued from another state then the person meets the mandatory education requirements for New York State. If not, then they must take and pass a NASBLA approved boating safety class in their home state or in New York Sate before operating a PWC.
Q: What is the minimum number of participants in a private group boating safety class?
A: We typically require a minimum of 20 students to hold a private class.
Q: Is my ten (10) to thirteen (13) year old child able to operate a PWC??
A: Only Until January 1, 2009 those operators age ten (10) through thirteen (13) that have a boating safety certificate may continue to operate a PWC if they are accompanied by someone over 18 years of age and within 500 feet on another personal watercraft or vessel and within sight of the personal watercraft and holding a safety certificate of their own.
Q: Is America's Boating Class NASBLA approved and recognized in New York State?
A: Yes, America's Boating Class is NASBLA approved and recognized in New York State for meeting the education requirements of New York State.
Q: What is the minimum age that can operate a boat with successful completion of a New York State recognized course?
A: 10 years of age is the minimum age that may operate a motorboat without supervision in NYS with successful completion of an approved boating course.
Q: What is the minimum age that can operate a PWC with successful completion of a New York State recognized course?
A: 14 years of age is the minimum age that may operate a PWC without supervision in NYS with successful completion of an approved boating course.
Q: What is the minimum age that can operate a boat without completion of a New York State recognized course?
A: 18 years of age is the minimum age that may operate a mechanically propelled vessel without supervision in NYS without completion of an approved boating course.
Q: What is the minimum age that can operate a PWC without completion of a New York State recognized course?
A: You may NOT operate a PWC in NYS without successful completion of an approved boating course.
Q: What if I lost my wallet card or it is damaged beyond recognition?
A: You must provide a valid certificate of successful completion of the boating course. Upon confirmation of the certificate and valid identification a wallet card will be reissued for a fee of $5.00.
Q: What if I lost my wallet card and my course certificate?
A: It will be necessary to contact the unit that sponsored the course. If you took the course from USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 45 we have records that date back to 1999. If you provide a name and valid identification we can reissue a certificate and wallet card for a $10.00 fee. If you took a course with our unit prior to 1999, unfortunately the records do not exists and therefore it will be necessary to retake a boating course to obtain a valid certificate and wallet card.
Q: Can I laminate my wallet card from a boating course?
A: Yes, it is highly recommended that you laminate your boating course wallet card, we offer laminating services for an additional charge of $1.00 per card.
Online Class Registrations
Q: Is online class registration secure?
A: Yes, our payment transactions are secured via SSL and uses the PayPal website for processing.
Q: What types of payments do you except?
A: We only except Cash or Check for in person registrations. For those registering online we accept all major credit cards including: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. We also except PayPal when registering online.
Q: What is included in my ABC courseware purchase?
A: Book, CD-ROM, Reserved Seat (if registering for a class), Federal Boating Regulation, New York State Boating Requirements, Final Exam, Course Certificate and Wallet Card (upon successful completion)
Q: Is there shipping and/or handling charges?
A: Yes, We charge a nominal fee to cover the additional cost of processing the orders, the fee is based on the quantity of courseware purchased.
Q: Does online class registration guarantee me a seat in the class?
A: Yes, when you complete the online registration process you are guaranteed a seat in the class
Q: What if I cannot make the class I am registered for?
A: If the course is a multi-session class you may attend the remaining sessions. Please remember that we cover a lot of material and will not return to cover previously taught lessons. If you miss an exam class you may schedule a time to take the exam with our Public Education Officer. If you miss an entire course, fail an exam, or wish to retake a class you may reschedule for an open future session for an additional charge of $15.00, arrangements can be made by communicating to our Public Education Officer. Additionally, the courseware purchased may be used for independent self-study and the exam scheduled via our Public Education Officer.
Q: What does the class fee include?
A: The course fee includes a Book, CD-ROM, Reserved Seat (if registering for a class), Federal Boating Regulation, New York State Boating Requirements, Final Exam, Course Certificate and Wallet Card (upon successful completion)
Q: I have a question regarding the course and not online registration where can I get more information?
A: Please view our Frequently Asked Questions regarding our public education courses. . We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming class.
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Q: How do I join the Coast Guard Auxiliary?
A: Contact the Personnel Services Officer on the membership page by email or phone. Please include your name, address, email and telephone number in your message and the officer will get back to you.
Q: Is the Coast Guard Auxiliary only for boaters?
A: No! The Coast Guard Auxiliary does NOT require you to have a boat. There are many ways your services can be helpful and appreciated by the US Coast Guard and Homeland Security. Some of the non-boating opportunities available to our volunteers could require any of the following skills: Computing, Web Development, Medical, Aviation, Media, Law, Human Resources, Marketing, Cooks, and Skilled Trades.
Q: Do you get paid for your efforts in the Coast Guard Auxiliary?
A: No! The Coast Guard Auxiliary is an all volunteer organization. Some things we do can be reimbursable depending on the nature of the request. "BIG" THANK-YOU's!, recognition and awards are our rewards!
Q: How much time do I have to commit to the Auxiliary?
A: There is no minimum time commitment, however you are asked to participate as much as you can based on what your personal schedule permits.
Q: How much does it costs me to be a member?
A: Annual Dues of $36.00, new members are charged a one-time initiation fee of $15.00, and finally the cost of uniforms, over time uniforms may cost a couple of hundred dollars. The Uniforms do not have to be purchased all at once. In some cases you may be eligible for tax deductions.
Return to our Membership Page...

Vessel Examinations

Q: Why should I have a Vessel Exam performed on my boat or PWC?
A: Yes,
Q: How do I receive a free Vessel Exam?
A: View our schedule of location for vessel exams and choose one that is convenient for you or contact our Vessel Examination Officer listed on our Vessel Examination Page.
Q: How do I schedule a Vessel Examination Booth at my business?
A: Contact our Vessel Examination Officer listed on our Vessel Examination Page to discuss the details.
Q: What are the requirements for a Vessel Examination decal?
A: Your vessel must meet the federal and state requirements, In addition,
Q: Can I receive a law enforcement citation during my Vessel Examination?
A: No, A vessel exam is a courtesy inspection of your vessel that determines if you meet the minimum requirements.
Q: If I have a decal will I be exempt from boarding by law enforcement?
A: No,
Q: Can I get a Vessel Examination on a Kayak, Rowboat, Canoe, Paddle Boat, or other non-powered vessel?
A: Yes,
Return to our Vessel Examination Page...