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Meet our staff

Please direct inquiries to the appropriate Flotilla Staff Officer.

Elected Officers      
Flotilla Commander (FC)     R. Drost
Vice Flotilla Commander (VFC)     L. Carpenter
Immediate Past Flotilla Commander (IPFC)     S. Fischpera
Appointed Officers      
Aviation (AV)     R. Bialkowski
Communication Services (CS)     R. Drost
Finance (FN)     G. Moore
Information Services (IS)     S. Fischpera
Materials (MA)     E. Drost
Member Training (MT)     R. Fischpera
Operations (OP)     L. Carpenter
Publications (PB)     T. Forsyth
Public Education (PE)      
Personnel Services (PS)     M. Carpenter
Secretary (SR)     H. LaDue
Vessel Examination (VE)     H. LaDue